Your Song

Life isn't always easy and when times are tough and we're feeling hopeless, we turn to music for comfort. Although each and every one of us has a different music preference, we can all relate to some form of music. We can use music to get us through tough times, to celebrate and to express ourselves.

Lately I've realised that everything you have ever been through doesn't leave a scar, it leaves a song. Life isn't a battle that leaves us with wounds, life is an album that we fill with different songs throughout the course of our existence. Each song is from a different memory or experience. Those things you never got over?  The things that broke you?  The things more commonly referred to as your "scars"? Those are beautiful songs written by your soul; every note is a tear and every tear is a memory sneaking out.

Our past does not define us nor do our feelings, therefore our songs do not define our album. They do, however, change us and make us who we are. Music is probably one of the most powerful forms of expression known to man. Although we all have our own personal preferences when it comes to music genres, we can all appreciate music.

When we're happy, we listen to music but the only time we truly understand the lyrics is when we're sad. The people who wrote the soul-shaking sad songs we play when we're crying our eyes out, where do you think they found the inspiration for them? They also felt pain. They went through things; just like you. They poured their hearts out into those songs for people like you that would understand what they went through.

They do it for a living but the part of them that wrote the song is the part of them that died inside. They turned their pain into art. They fill their songs with passion and soul and by the time the first verse drops, they have you fighting back your tears. What happened in their lives and what happened in their hearts to make them want to write those words happened to them for a reason. They embraced their obstacles and they made it through those hard times.

The beauty of their lives is that when they're dead and gone, the world still sings along. When anything went right or anything went wrong, they put it in a song. Yes, they did it for people's enjoyment but they also did it for the few people that have been hurt enough to understand the lyrics.

Pain is constant; it's been around since the beginning of time and it will continue to exist until the end of the world itself and - just like you can't - get that song out of your head, it isn't easy to forget the things that hurt you. You need to face the music and embrace whatever song life decides to throw at you because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

 All I know for sure at the end of the day is you want what you want, you say what you think and you follow your heart even though it will break sometimes. All I know at the end of the day is you love what you love because there's no other way. You'll make mistakes and you'll cry your fair share of tears and not every song is going to be happy. There will be sad songs but they are written for a reason and someday they're going to touch the heart of someone who understands your lyrics.


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